Object pronouns

Direct object receives the verb’s action directly. Indirect object receives the verb’s action indirectly. For example, the verb ‘dare’ (to give) is followed by both a direct and an indirect object: ‘dare qualcosa a qualcuno’ (to give something to somebody).

Pronouns are words you substitute for nouns when the reader or listener already knows which noun you’re referring to. An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun that is normally used either as the direct or indirect object of a verb.

In italian, the are two types of object pronouns: stressed pronouns and unstressed pronouns.

Stressed pronouns are placed after the verb and are used for highlighting:
Aiuta lei, non Federico!  Help her, not Federico!
Perché non racconti anche a me quello che è successo?  Why don’t you tell me what happened?

Unstressed pronouns are placed before the verb.
Perché non la aiuti?  Why don’t you help her?
Perché non mi racconti quello che è successo?  Why don’t you tell me what happened?

If the verb is an infinitive, a gerund or an imperative, unstressed pronouns are attached to the end of the verb.
Aiutala!  Help her!
Raccontami quello che è successo!  Tell me what happened!

Pronomi oggetto direttoDirect object pronouns
1st p. s.memime
2nd p. s.tetiyou
3rd p. s. Mluilohim
3rd p. s. Fleilaher
3rd p. s. Messoloit
3rd p. s. Fessalait
1st p. pl.noicius
2nd p. pl.voiviyou
3rd p. pl. Mloro, essilithem
3rd p. pl. Floro, esselethem
Pronomi oggetto indirettoIndirect object pronouns
1st p. s.a memito me
2nd p. s.a tetito you
3rd p. s. Ma luiglito him
3rd p. s. Fa leileto her
1st p. pl.a noicito us
2nd p. pl.a voivito you
3rd p. pl.a loroglito them

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